
Saturday, July 2, 2011

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Mercenaries Guide

Mercenaries are an awesome feature of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. In this Guide, I'll tell you which mercenaries are worth hiring in SC2. I will offer more information than the Mercenary hiring interface, such as a comparison of the Squads vs buying an equivalent number of units.
Mercenaries become Hirable when you get access to the Hyperion's Cantina after the fourth mission. There, Graven Hill will let you hire Mercs from his Laptop. Upon purchasing a contract you will have access to that type of Mercenary for the rest of the game. So, if you're going to use some of these it's best to get them early. Mercenaries are unlocked along with their regular counterparts. So, when you get access to Siege Tanks in The Dig, you can hire the Siege Breakers in the Cantina afterward.
Mercenaries benefit from Hyperion Armory Upgrades for their regular counterparts. So, your War Pigs can have the Stimpak ability and your Hel's Angels can have the range upgrade offered by Vikings. Also, in battle, your Mercenaries will get upgrades from the Armory and Engineering Bay.

War Pigs
Elite of: Marine
Stat Increase over Marine: +65% Health, +35% Damage
Contract Cost (in Credits): Free
Squad Size: 4
In-Mission Hiring Cost: 250 Minerals
Cost of Equivalent Forces: 200 Minerals
Hire Limit per Mission: 3
5 Minute Cooldown
Are They Worth Hiring?: They're free, so contract-wise it's a non-issue. Otherwise, Yes! The health increase alone makes them worth hiring, but they do extra damage too. Damage that's increased when you have the Stimpak upgrade for marines from the Hyperion's Armory. They'll really shine in active combat as opposed to defense thanks to the hefty health upgrade, so bring them along when you're attacking. They also make a nice fast defense when you're under attack and it looks like your base is going to get roughed up. Bring them in, use Stimpaks and let them go to town. They're great when paired with Devil Dogs.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Mercenaries Guide

Devil Dogs
Elite of: Firebat
Stat Increase over Firebat: +60% Health, +25% Damage
Contract Cost (in Credits): 25,000
Squad Size: 2
In-Mission Hiring Cost: 250 Minerals, 25 Vespene
Cost of Equivalent Forces: 200 Minerals, 50 Vespene
Hire Limit per Mission: 2
5 Minute Cooldown
Are They Worth Hiring?: For only 25,000 and being able to use them throughout the game, Yes. The massive health increase makes them pretty much wasted inside a bunker, so use these guys on the offensive along with War Pigs. The only time I wouldn't buy them is if you find yourself never using Infantry (which is bad). The upgrade to Firebat armor applies here, so they'll last way longer than you'd expect. More like a tank than Infantry.

Hammer Securities
Elite of: Marauder
Stat Increase over Marauder: +25% Health, +20% Damage
Contract Cost (in Credits): 40,000
Squad Size: 2
In-Mission Hiring Cost: 250 Minerals, 75 Vespene
Cost of Equivalent Forces: 200 Minerals, 50 Vespene
Hire Limit per Mission: 2
6 Minute Cooldown
Are They Worth Hiring?: Probably not. I myself don't use Marauders a lot, and the increase in health and damage leaves much to be desired when compared to the cost difference and credit investment. If you're a fan of Marauders, by all means take this. They do work well early in the WoL Campaign, but I think this unit shines most in multiplayer..

Spartan Company
Elite of: Goliath
Stat Increase over Goliath: +33% Health/Damage
Contract Cost (in Credits): 40,000
Squad Size: 2
In-Mission Hiring Cost: 300 Minerals, 125 Vespene
Cost of Equivalent Forces: 300 Minerals, 100 Vespene
Hire Limit per Mission: 2
6 Minute Cooldown
Are They Worth Hiring?: Absolutely. Goliaths are great units because of their ability to splatter little Zerg and take down any air target. The cost difference is tiny here, to boot. So, after the initial investment you'd be a fool not to use them in any Mission where you'd use Goliaths anyway. They make great base defenders even if you don't put them on the front line. Grab both upgrades for the Goliath at the Armory and they'll be even better!

Hel's Angels
Elite of: Viking
Stat Increase over Viking: +45% Health, +40% Damage
Contract Cost (in Credits): 45,000
Squad Size: 3
In-Mission Hiring Cost: 400 Minerals, 300 Vespene
Cost of Equivalent Forces: 450 Minerals, 225 Vespene
Hire Limit per Mission: 2
5 Minute Cooldown
Are They Worth Hiring?: Yes, if you want the most powerful Anti-air unit at the Terrans' disposal. No, if you use ground units to handle your Anti-air needs in most missions. The damage increase is big so it does make them more versatile than regular vikings. I would hire them just to have the option to use them from time to time. Even if they are only used to defend against a surprise air attack, you'll use them. Hey, at least it's not an Elite Wraith.
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Mercenaries Guide
Siege Breakers
Elite of: Siege Tank
Stat Increase over Siege Tank: +33% Health, +66% Damage
Contract Cost (in Credits): 45,000
Squad Size: 2
In-Mission Hiring Cost: 400 Minerals, 200 Vespene
Cost of Equivalent Forces: 300 Minerals, 250 Vespene
Hire Limit per Mission: 2
7 Minute Cooldown
Are They Worth Hiring?: You'd be crazy not to. Costs more minerals, but less vespene. I would pay more of both for this unit. +2/3 Damage is incredible for a unit that already does crazy damage in siege mode. Heck, these guys are great even when not in siege mode. Let them be a part of your rolling army. In Siege mode they make the best anti-ground base defense available to you as a Terran. Buy Siege Breakers now!

Dusk Wing
Elite of: Banshee
Stat Increase over Banshee: +25% Health, +50% Damage
Contract Cost (in Credits): 60,000
Squad Size: 2
In-Mission Hiring Cost: 350 Minerals, 200 Vespene
Cost of Equivalent Forces: 300 Minerals, 200 Vespene
Hire Limit per Mission: 2
7 Minute Cooldown
Are They Worth Hiring?: Yes. Banshees rock, and will do incredible ground damage in every mission where you employ them. They do take some time to make, so the instant nature of the Mercenary is more important here. If you know you'll use Banshees, and get the upgrades at the Armory for them, don't pass this up. If you aren't using Banshees much, start using them! Pair these guys with a couple more regular Banshees, and some Vikings and you can rule the skies! Upgrade those air weapons!

Jackson's Revenge
Elite of: Battlecruiser
Stat Increase over Battlecruiser: +30% Health, +33% Damage
Contract Cost (in Credits): 80,000
Squad Size: 1
In-Mission Hiring Cost: 400 Minerals, 300 Vespene
Cost of Equivalent Forces: same
Hire Limit per Mission: 1
7 Minute Cooldown
Are They Worth Hiring?: Maybe. An instant Battlecruiser is kind of nice toward the end of the game. Of course, with a Tech Reactor (protoss research) you can build two at once anyway. The increases are nice, but only being able to make one is a bummer. You lose it and that's all for Jackson's Revenge in your mission. 80,000 could be spent better elsewhere. But having money left over at the end of the game does you no good.
Carl Ratcliff writes game strategy guides for PC. He writes articles about popular gaming topics such as Starcraft II and The Sims 3.
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