
Sunday, January 30, 2011

2 Weird Ways ANYONE Can Earn an Extra $2000 From Home in ONLY 30 Days

Who else is sick and tired of trying to make money online... ONLY to find themselves frustrated and failing, again and again? Have you bought ebooks, seminars, home study courses and followed your favorite GURU for months... only to find the path to profit NEVER opens for you?
Imagine if you could start making real money, and you didn't have to invest more than 10 or 20 bucks to do it. Imagine if you DIDN'T 'need to learn a new skill set, or study, or try to make sense out of marketing methodologies that are SO complex, even Einstein would have rolled his eyes. the truth is, you CAN, and I'm going to lay out 2 DEAD simple strategies anyone can use to earn $2000 this month, and pretty much any month thereafter you want, with elegant ease.
Filed Under: Content for Cash
I don't care WHAT niche you look at, there is an audience of entrepreneurs willing and waiting to pay you for your content. Articles like THIS one take me 15 minutes, at most... to write. And they have a TANGIBLE value in the online marketing niche of anywhere from 5-20 bucks per piece, without any problem at all. If I can write 4 of these an hour, and only get 10 dollars per article (which I NEVER would accept) how many $40 hours would YOU need to work in a months time to earn $2000? (HINT... if you carry the one, it's about 12 hours a week, and THAT'S not even real work... ;-)
Filed Under: The Article Arbitrage Model
Very simply, just like the above, you create CONTENT and turn it into cash. Only in this approach, you simply use your OWN articles to sell high performing affiliate products, by driving your readership to buy the items from the vendor's site directly. (hence the "arbitrage" - you are only the middleman... or woman... :-) No website is required, no blog, no ppc account and NO gurus, either. All you need is about 4 or 5 articles a day, a GOOD paying affiliate program, a root level re-direction and a calculator to count your cash! (your results may vary a bit from the above... but this DOES work like magic, and I've done it myself for years to prove it)
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