
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Starcraft 2 Shokz Guide - Why It's Better Than the Other Guides

In this article I am going to express my opinion about the Starcraft 2 Shokz Guide and why I think it's better that the other Starcraft guides.
As a Starcraft player, I reviewed some guides the last few months. The one that I liked the most is The Starcraft 2 Shokz Guide by John Greenhoe. That's the real name of the guy that plays Starcraft with the nick "Shokz". I am impressed by his work here and I am going to share my thoughts about it...
Starcraft 2 Shokz Guide - Why It's Better Than the Other Guides

The Shokz Guide basically covers everything in that game. It has a beginner's guide where the newcomers can learn the essentials to start and go through the levels quickly. There is a mission guide, some general guides that include map control, hot keys, scouting, there is my favorite guide - unit vs. unit strengths and weaknesses. This guide helped me a lot to develop in a better player in the past 2 months. This guide is really useful and informative - no matter if you are newbie or advanced player, you can always learn something from it!

Starcraft 2 Shokz Guide - Why It's Better Than the Other Guides
If I have to say something that I don't like about Shokz Guide - it's the grammatical errors in the whole guide - but I believe that this will be fixed very soon. Either way, the structure of the website is very good and it makes it easy to work with. It's a great think that Starcraft 2 Shokz Guide is not some PDF file that you have to search for hours in! it's a pretty well idea to make it a membership site, where you have everything separated at sections and it costs you second to find out.

Starcraft 2 Shokz Guide - Why It's Better Than the Other Guides

I also love the thing that Shokz is a real player that is very involved in this game and updates this guide very often - so you are able to have the latest strategies every time.
So, in a conclusion I will say that I highly recommend The Starcraft 2 Shokz Guide for everyone that loves that game! Ask yourself if you can afford NOT to have this influential Starcraft tool?
If you are looking for more information about Shokz guide - Just follow this link
See the professional review at the link above!

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