
Friday, January 14, 2011

Guide to Using Forum Posting to Build Backlinks

Forum posting is a great way to build up the backlinks of your site. Most forums allow you to include a link to your site in the signature area. Each forum has its restriction regarding the number of links and word count limit in the signature. If you want, you can assign different color to the link in your signature. It will make people pay attention to your signature. It is recommended that you don't use the URL full format in the signature. Instead, you should use anchor text for the link in the signature. The anchor text should be relevant to the destination site which you are promoting. You can use the main keyword as the anchor text so that the link is more SEO optimized.
Guide to Using Forum Posting to Build Backlinks
You should register new account in different forums. The forums which you register for an account must be in the same niche. For example, if you want to promote a site about dog training, you should register for a pet or dog forum. You should not post in forums that belong to a different niche such as bird, cat, horse, family, cooking and etc. If the moderator saw that your link is different than the niche of the forum, he will send you a warning and inform you to remove it. If the forum looks spammy, you should not register an account with them. Spammy forum contain many threads and posts about porn, pharmacy, poker and etc. These forums are being spammed by other people. Normally, these forums are not maintained therefore the spam posts remain there.

Guide to Using Forum Posting to Build Backlinks

You should post 1 - 2 posts per day. After you have made a lot of posts, you can post more frequently in the forum. You should not attempt to spam the forum with too many posts. If you make too many posts in the forum, the moderator will pay attention to you. In addition, making too many posts in the forum causes your site to gain too many backlinks. The search engine will penalize you if you get too many backlinks in a short time. It is not normal for new sites to get a lot of backlinks. If your site gains too many backlinks in a short time, there is a high possibility that the search engine will lower your ranking. Sometimes, all the pages that were once indexed by the search engine will be deindexed. If you stop spamming the forum, your site should be able to recover the ranking soon.
Guide to Using Forum Posting to Build Backlinks

Your post must contribute to the thread. If the thread is asking a question, your posts have to provide an answer to it. You should not use phrases such as "Thank you" or "Great post" in your forum post. Doing so can get you banned by the moderator. Sometimes, you can include the link in your post provided that it is relevant to the thread. The post should not contain a only a words. The more informative the post, the better it is. If your post is information, the search engine will assign a higher value to the link in the signature.
Mascar Rooney is the author of this article on directory submission.
Mascar Rooney is the author of this article on social bookmarking.

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